Welcome to The Including Children Affected by Migration (ICAM) Programme

Designed for implemenation by groups of schools countrywide or in a region, the Including Children Affected by Migration (ICAM) Programme restores learning relationships and increases the learning capacity of Children Affected by Migration (CAM) by restoringing their social and emotional wellbeing.
√ Including children affected by migration (cam) in schools is not a problem – it is a solution that improves education for all children and their families.
√ Schools who implement the including children affected by migration (icam) programme report an improved climate for learning (convivencia) which creates a happy school and better attainment for all children
Children Affected by Migration (CAM) are 10.5 million European children aged up to 18 who have become displaced or separated from home or family. CAM may be refugees, asylum seekers, economic or social migrants or those left behind by family moving to another country.
Brain science explains why unhappy, displaced children become poor learners. Until they feel settled, confident and secure, Children Affected by Migration cannot benefit fully from teaching in or out of school. They become disadvantaged by their circumstances and unable to reach their learning potential.
√ Icam Restores The Social And Emotional Wellbeing Of Cam So That They Are No Longer Denied Their Fundamental Human Right To Education
So ICAM upholds the rights of all these disadvantaged CAM to high quality education under the European Child Guarantee and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Find out more about the 10.5 million Children Affected by Migration (CAM)