
ICARO Consortium of Social Cooperatives is the coordinator of the European ICAMnet program, funded by the European Commission and aimed at children and young people affected by migration, the so-called CAM. In recent days, a guide for European ministries and agencies was introduced in the European Commission with the aim of promoting the inclusion of Ukrainian refugees in schools and promoting social well-being for children affected by migration, as well as addressing psychological trauma and breaking down the boundaries of a linguistic nature. The aforementioned guide includes the five actions in the ICAMucs Ukrainian Children Inclusion in Schools guide, with the aim of having ICAMnet as a source of support for all schools in Europe, encouraging the project in the educational field. The guide offers numerous opportunities to simplify the education and inclusion of Ukrainian children and also reach refugee families, starting with the preparation of education systems and school staff through the promotion of profitable guidelines and resources. As the ICARO coordinator, Vincenzo Griffo states: “This is an important result for ICAMnet and a recognition of the commitment of the Icaro Consortium and other European partners (The Northampton Center for Learning Behavior (NCfLB) and Achievement for All (AfA) of the United Kingdom, Accessophia of Spain, Inspectorate in Ploesti (ISJP) and Terre des Hommes (TdH) of Romania, Eurochild of Belgium) in developing and disseminating tools to simplify the education and inclusion of CAM minors in schools “. The inclusion of the ICAMucs Ukrainian Children Inclusion in Schools guide in the European guide – declares the president emeritus of Icaro Gabriele Capitelli – will facilitate European schools in welcoming and managing Ukrainian minors affected by the drama of the war.

Pdf of the European Commission document

Webpage of the publication

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