

What ICAM provides for schools

√ Professional development for two ICAM school leaders of inclusion, convivencia and SEL, including a four-day training workshop and six visits for ongoing coaching from ICAM National Facilitators.

√ A school handbook and database for school ICAM development and ideas for getting started together with teaching and learning materials, a programme of small group SEL for CAM to help them adjust and 20 workshop sessions for Parent/Carer Education in continuing SEL in the home.

√ A comprehensive, easy to administer, on-line, ICAM school review instrument with a help line for any technical issues

√ A full analysis of results and comparative data from other schools nationally and locally

√ Access to a European network of schools for the sharing of good practice


What schools are expected to do

Identify two ICAM school leaders meeting the person specification provided and allow time for their involvement in ICAM training and professional development so they can lead the programme in their schools.

Carry out the ICAM school review at least annually and share the results online as part of a national database.

Develop an action plan (integrated into the school improvement plan) based on the results of the ICAM review.

Carry out the action plan and improve the inclusion of CAM as a result, also becoming a Level 2 UNICEF Rights Respecting School (if not already achieved).

Share experiences with other schools in Europe and be prepared to offer expertise to promote ICAM nationally (Any release of staff to become trained as ICAM national facilitators will be fully funded).
